One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Music Degree

Why Study Music at Cedarville?

Develop the musical gifts God has given you, and unlock your potential with a distinctly Christian Bachelor of Arts in music degree. At Cedarville, Bach's famous phrase "Soli Deo Gloria" — for the glory of God alone — is more than just a slogan. It's the mission that drives all we do as we seek to honor the Master Creator through our craft. More than just pursuing your passion, you'll be challenged to deepen your understanding of music and serve God with your talents.

In this nationally accredited program, you'll be mentored and inspired by accomplished professors. Tailor your education to match your unique interests by choosing primary and secondary concentrations. Whatever focus you choose, you'll receive training in a range of musical styles. The real-world skills and knowledge you gain will more than prepare you for your career or further studies in graduate school. Graduates of Cedarville's music program are well-equipped to serve as composers, studio musicians, and more.

If you're passionate about music but pursuing another major, further your knowledge with a music minor! You'll gain practical experience that solidifies your ability to worship God through your musical gifts.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Conductor and orchestra

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Beth Porter

Beth Porter, MA

Chair, Associate Professor of Vocal Music

Photo of Chet Jenkins

Chet Jenkins, DMA

Assistant Professor of Music; Director of Wind Symphony and Jazz Band

Photo of John Mortensen

John Mortensen, DMA

Professor of Music

Photo of Sandy Yang

Sandy Yang, PhD

Professor of Music History

Program News